Your Backstage Pass to the

This e-Book edition includes
9 championship speeches by
used to get to the Top 3 Spots at the
World Championship of Public Speaking

Rich Hopkins' "What We Knew Then", "Ding Ding Ding!" and "Live Your Legacy",
stories about overcoming physical limitations, embracing your success,
and living with the perspective, passion, and persistence of a child.

Douglas Wilson's "It's Not About Me" and "Defining Moments" and "Busted",
offering a hilarious look at learning the importance of focusing on others,
coming of age, and being yourself...

Ed Hearn's "Tearing Down the Walls that Hinder our Greatness", Bouncing Back",
and "The Courage to Try", three heartwarming tales inspiring you to never give up,
regardless of your opposition!

Along with the 9 championship speeches, the speaker's have included notes
detailing their journey through Toastmasters International's
World Championship of Public Speaking,
reprinting their speeches in the same format they used to craft them along the way.

Click today for your instant download of Win Place & Show

 What Past Champions are saying:

"This book is not only a remarkable resource, its a remarkable achievement!" - David Brooks, 1990 World Champion

"The passion, determination, and extreme effort required to excel on the public stage, all come shining through.
Potential speech contestants will be encouraged and inspired!" - Mark Brown, 1995 World Champion 

"The power of this book is not only in demonstrating the mindset and skill set that makes championship-caliber speakers
but in the life-changing messages you pick up along the way" - Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion

" you tremendous insight into the journey and what each contestant is required to sacrifice to make it to the World Championship
of Public Speaking" - Randy Harvey, 2004 World Champion


       Ed Hearn                                   Douglas Wilson                             Rich Hopkins

Win, Place, & Show contains not just the scripts of the
District, Semi-Final, and World Championship speeches,
but offers a behind-the-scenes look at the construction, evaluation,
delivery and experience of writing and delivering a winning speech.

If you are a Toastmaster planning to compete in the International Speech Contest,
this is an essential addition to your library!

If you are a speaking searching for techniques on storytelling, topic selection,
audience connection, humor - you'll find abundant examples throughout
Win, Place, & Show to inspire you to success.

Go behind the scenes of Ed's, Douglas', and Rich's Journeys
to Toastmasters ultimate prize for only $10